“Your reputation is an essential
ingredient for success”
Do you want to improve your awareness of your impact as a leader, administrator or manager? Are you interested in looking not only at your identity but also at your reputation? To understand how people in the workplace view you?
As a certified Hogan assessor, I offer you this opportunity.The Hogan Assessment, originating as an American assessment method, measures and predicts the behaviour of professionals, leaders and teams in work situations. Many assessments focus solely on one's identity - the narrative you present about yourself. However, more is needed to develop a complete picture of who you are. It is essential to consider how others perceive you as well. That is about your reputation. The Hogan Assessment focuses on this aspect of your personality and helps you gain insight into how others perceive you. Your reputation is a critical ingredient for success.
The assessment analyses (i) the bright side, (ii) the dark side and (iii) the inner side of your personality. The assessment consists of three tests: a comprehensive report and a personal evaluation. The assessment can also form an entry point for further coaching you as an individual or a team. In addition, the Hogan Assessment can form part of a comprehensive management team or board evaluation.
The Hogan Assessment consists of three parts
- The bright side:
The bright side describes how you interact with others when you are at your best.Whether your goal is to become aware of how those around you react to you or to develop as a more decisive leader, assessing this aspect of personality provides valuable insight into how people work, how they lead and how successful they will be in an organisation.
- The dark side:
The dark side of your personality emerges during heightened stress. It can disrupt relationships, damage reputations and thwart opportunities for success.By assessing these, you can recognise and mitigate performance risks before they become problematic.
The inner self:
The inner self refers to your goals, values, drives and interests that define your desires and pursuits.By assessing values, you can understand what motivates you to succeed and what kind of position, job and environment allows you to be most productive.
For more information and/or a personal introduction, please email me at info@canalize.nl